Ero veramente giù oggi a causa di qualche problema all'università per un esame...così ho tentato di tirare su la giornata scrappando!
Tra l'altro fra i buoni propositi per questo nuovo anno (accademico) c'è quello di non fare la tirchia sui materiali scrap e usare quello che davvero mi piace.
Ad esempio sono moooolto parsimoniosa in fatto di THICKERS perchè non ho ancora trovato uno shop online italiano che li venda. Farò una mezza follia e comprerò su qualche online shop americano pagando più la spedizione che i prodotti! :) Va beh a sto punto vado in America direttamente! no?!

Ecco un altro LO, stavolta dedicato a me e la mia amica Marta.
L'anno scorso siamo state così insieme che avevano finito per chiamarci "Martila" e ecco il titolo.. (sti invidiosi!!) :D

I was very unhappy today because of some troubles with an exam at I tried to fixed the day scrappin' a little!
By the way one of my Academic New Year's resolutions is not to be stingy with scrap materials, but to use whatever I like.
Yes, indeed I'm veeeeeeeeeeeery parsimonious with THICKERS, as I haven't found them on an italian online shop yet. I'll buy them on an american online shop...well, actually I'll pay more taxes and shipping costs than the Thickers themselves! :)
Maybe I should go directly to the USA, right?!

So here I am with my latest LO, about me and my friend Marta.
Last year we spent so much time together that people started to call us "Martila" (as just one person!) that's the title! :D

little bee designed by Stephanie Hunt 

Lately I'm in love with dandelions, but for at least two weeks I called them daffodils, being sure I was was sad to discover I was wrong...

I used my RANGER's 3D glue: "Glossy Accents"


More pics from sunday!!!!!!!!! :D

do you like Abby's new ring?? ahahah..

trying to understand how to use my new IMAGINISCE button maker...

done!!!! :D

yeah...another silly face!

 "make an expression that represent what do you think of each other..."



ITALIANO: Ieri a "Ritagli di tempo" la prima sfida estemporanea di scrap!! Abbiamo partecipato sia io che la mia little sis Abby!! Ci siamo divertite tantissimo...Annalisa è super e le altre scrapper oltre che moooooolto fantasiose erano spiritosissime!! :D
Vedere tutte quelle fustelle, lettere, carte, brillantini, nastri ecc... in un unico luogo è stato bellissimo. Per non parlare dello stockaggio...mille idee!! :D

La sfida prevedeva la costruzione di un LO in estemporanea (al parco lì accanto al negozio) completamente libere di usare qualsiasi tecnica e materiale, unico punto era il tema: "La vita è bellezza:ammirala" di Madre Teresa. Difficilina!!!
Avevo un sacco di idee, ma alla fine è stata l'infanzia a prendere il sopravvento e ho messo le foto di Montebibico (la casa in montagna dei nonni. NDR)

ENGLISH: Yesterday at the scrap store "Ritagli di tempo" the first extemporary scrapbooking contest ever!!!! Super cool!! And for the first time my little sis Abby attended it too! We had so much fun...thanks to Annalisa (the shop owner) who's amazing and to all the other scrappers who were very imaginative and super cute!! :D
I could look at other scrappers working, and of course, can you imagine my reaction to all that punches, chipboards, papers and cardstock, ribbons, alphas etc....all at once??? It was awesome!
Plus: they gave me so many ideas about scrap-items-storage....a million ideas! :D

We had to create a LO there (extemporary), we were completely free to use whatever we like: techniques, materials... we just had to respect a theme: "Life is beauty: admire it" by Madre Teresa. Quite hard to realize..isn't it?
I had many ideas, but at the end I create something using some pics of my grans' house in Spoleto...that remind me from my childhood!
my LO

work in progress


yeah I know I totally don't look like a grown up!!

explaining something?? but what? 

our table...just a little messed up!!! :D

me, my sis(with the blue shirt) and Bianca:D


scrappers just wanna have fun!!! eheheheh!

waiting for the winners.......................

my sis' LO

AND I HAVE BEEN ONE OF THE WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I won a crop-a-dile!!!!!!!!!! yeyyyyyyyyy! :)

E ho vinto un magnifico crop-a-dile in arrivo la prossima settimana!!
wow...super felicissima!!!

Happy scrappy week!


Hi everyone! Here I am with a brand new layout..
First I wanna say in my defense that I'm not a vain person, to the contrary sometimes I need an extra opinion about my appearence...that's the point!! :) 
When I get into a clothing store (and I feel really indecisive about an item or an outfit) I take a pic and I send it to my sis Abby! :D Most of the times I decide by myself actually...just because the counter-time comes before her answer!! :(

Well...having several pics of this kind...I used them for my latest scrapbookiando's september contest LO!!
Do you like it??
pics taken by my sis Abby.
I used a green cardstock (I loooooooove green!)as background and I made a frame with some patterned paper(a 31x31cm sheet. I cut a 30x30cm square in the middle..).

I love journaling around pics's decorative!

try to use your alpha as decor...under you can see a strip of paper punched repeatedly 

I tried to use other colors  like blue...but the frame and the THICKERS obliged me to use just green and pink...isn't it so bad, right?
Maybe a little girlish, but on the whole it doesn't look too bad!
[Actually I love it! :D]

vintage metallic embellishment taken from an old pair of trousers! :D

I hope you like it!!

I need some extra scrappy-time..I wanna absolutely end this University and start a new life everywhere but here! :( I need a new place to settle me down...I've just to figure out where and how...but I love this idea.
That makes me happy.
If you have any suggestion...please tell it to me!

Happy scrappy moments!

waiting for...?

Actually I'd never seen "Waiting for Godot", but I love the meaning of that drama: the identity crisis, the "incommunicableness" (maybe because everybody feel that way every now and then!?).
Well, I'm just a little moody today, no..wait...ehm, not just "today",I totally am a moody person.

Today I'm into a Sara Bareilles song, I would really love to see a show of her someday...."Please Sara, would you mind to come over here and hold a concert?" (not just for me, of course!!!!)
That's the song...don't you love it too?

Isn't she a very cute dancer?? Easy but very successful steps! :D

Ok...let's talk about scrappy things???
I'm quite ready to attend a scrap-contest in my'll see the pics pretty soon! :)
So you have to wait for me as I have to wait for the contest.
Hear you soon! :D

Have a great week-end.

photoshuuppando v2.0

Già qualche tempo fa ho messo una foto con qualche modifica photosuuuuupposa...
Adesso nuovo post nuove foto...(cioè vecchie perchè sono del concerto dei coldplay a giugno).
Lascio parlare le foto e faccio poche chiacchiere...quale vi piace di più???

Questa è la foto d'origine:
occhiaie da concerto, brutti brufolini di cui non andiamo fiere...etc

English version:
Some time ago I posted a "photoshopped" pic and now: a new post with new pics..(actually not so new, as they were taken at Coldplay's show during Heineken Jammin' Festival in Mestre,Italy, in June).
I'm not going to do many words, better to show you the result....Which one do you like most?

That's the original photo:
shadows under our eyes, ugly spots that none would be proud to show...etc
sorry ely!




quale vi piace di più?
which one do you like most?
